Thursday, May 6, 2010

Summer is here!

After one year of meeting new friends, getting used to a new life and helping our partners through a tough year, the summer and time for internships has come!

We are going to miss our friends from 2nd year whose partners are graduating and leaving Ann Arbor for good.
Each of us will be in a different place for the summer, some staying in Ann Arbor, some going to Seattle, some Chicago, some New York, some back to their countries... So now is time to enjoy the summer and enjoy having our partners back without the stress of school!

And for those coming to Ross, we have a very special M-Trek planned for couples, which should be a TON of fun!!

We are going to the Mayan Riviera with a lot of activities including diving (if you're not certified yet, you can take classes and do your certification dive down there), sight-seeing, laying on the beach and partying.

We hope lots of you can join us for the fun, check out our website

Enjoy your summer and I hope to see you soon!!!

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