Thursday, January 21, 2010

Partner's Feelings Galore

I looked up and saw that expression on his face,

The mixed look of being happy n sad...

As I glanced towards him feeling dazed,

My heart pounding loudly and passing moments making me go mad!

He looked intently and said...the words which sounded musical ,

“Got an admit at Ross” and I let out a squeal ,

The reality of leaving everything n everyone behind making me slightly hysterical.

But seriously that moment was painted in magical hues.

As it was the fruit of hard earned labor,

Giving up on social life for the GMAT,essays n interviews

To make things happen in our favor.

It was the moment of our glory ,

Succeeded by days of planning and packing,

And then began the REAL story,

With blessings of elders and their backing.

The early days of Ann Arbor felt as honeymoon,

Setting up new home and spending time together,

Alas, the days of togetherness ended soon

And then began the spell of loneliness that deterred

The feeling of being a prominent part of his life,

As he was ever busy with classes n assignments or networking events,

And I felt agony blazing within as his words felt totally jive,

Making all the negativities inside my mind cement.

There was fighting n ranting about the sacrifices I’ve made,

Coupled with fury and tears,

And when he said that all this is making the love fade,

I was jolted with a deep fear.

I made a promise to make things better,

And found that the key was to give up on certain expectations,

And being satisfied with some quality (though very less) time together,

While making the job hunt my current mission.

I finally entered the marvelous world of volunteering,

Being on F2 visa did not give me work authorization,

But the voluntary work made me take control of my life’s steering

Thus making a difference in my own small way became my real passion.

However, the feeling of being exhilarated coupled with a warm glow,

Was only possible due to the great friends I found in other Ross partners,

Even though there are still periods of feeling high or low,

My friends act as the positive mood tuner.

Having spent time doing things I had not done for a while,

Canoeing, whirly ball, bowling, partying till wee hours et al..

Brings out a pleasant satisfying smile,

With a small voice in my mind saying aloud – hey baby - All is well!!


  1. Hi, I'm Sofia from Mexico. I'm getting married in July and in August we're moving to Ann Arbor so I'm becoming a Ross Partner very soon.... any recomendations? I read this blog and I think I will have the same feelings because I'll be on F2 visa too so I would not be able to work and be distracted... I'm thinking on takins classes or something.
    I'm looking forward to meet all the ross partenrs soon!

  2. Hi Sofia,
    Great to hear from you and Congratulations!! You can send me an email at and we can discuss the career options.
    We look forward to meeting you soon. Hope to see you during GBR.

