Monday, February 1, 2010

Partner's meeting


Yesterday we had our first big meeting with the new officers (it was open to everyone - actually it would be great to have a lot of partners show up to this meetings). It was good to get together with everyone, share some food and talk about suggestions on events and just general stuff.
We had some good suggestions and if you check out the calendar, it is full of fun events for the up-coming months! :)

We also talked about helping our community by clicking box tops from cereals and stuff like that and donating them to schools. Megan will explain later, but basically you have to clip the boxes where you see this logo:
Another thing we talked about on the community was the Blue Door Charity Auction where you donate a piece of artwork and photography to be auctioned off. This year it will be on Friday, Feb. 12th. For more info, please email:

Finally, for "housing", I have opened a discussion in the partners website for housing, you can check it out... The idea is to have partners that are graduating and partners that are looking for housing to "partner-up" and give each other tips. Also, there may be some good apartments out there that can be kept in the Ross community! :)

Ok, well, that is all for now... Let me know if you have any comments/suggestions on the newsletter, website & blog! :)

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