Tuesday, September 7, 2010

SPARK & Mtrek


I've had a lot of partners ask me about SPARK (or more on the lines of what to do if you cannot work)... Basically they are an incubator for entrepreneurs and all you have to do is send them a paragraph about your qualifications. They will send it to entrepreneurs and then send you the info of who is interested. You then can write to them and work as a volunteer for their cause.  :)

Here's the email you need to contact: Amy Cell, write to: Amy@annarborusa.org

And as for the MTREK, it was awesome!!! The new partners participating were: Erick (he's still in Peru though, he'll be an MBA 2013!), Adriene (she's a hairstylist, so make an appointment!), Joana, Larissa, Susan, and Stacey. The leaders were Shad (me) & Kristen.  All of them were a ton of fun and really just great all around. The trip was amazing, we had ruins, beach, sun, pool, night-clubs, and even a bit of sickness, jajaja...  Here are a few of the pics...

See you on Friday's Caribou drop in!!  :)


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